Garlic Storage Cooler

Garlic Storage Cooler Evaporators
Garlic Storage Cooler

This advanced garlic cooler system is designed to maintain a consistent temperature of 28F and humidity of 75% for optimal garlic storage. Equipped with two dependable 40HP Copeland discus compressors, it offers versatile capabilities to also cater to onion cooling storage requirements while effectively controlling humidity levels. The system is conveniently operated via an electronic thermostat and humidi-stat mainframe, enabling easy monitoring of temperature and humidity levels for precise garlic cooler storage conditions.

Project Info :


Cooling Facility


6,600 Sq. Ft








Gilroy, CA

Crafted with precise attention to detail to excel in extreme conditions, these garlic cooler units not only preserve the integrity of the original design but also deliver unmatched performance in any environment. Designed to function flawlessly in a wide spectrum of high and low ambient temperatures, they are meticulously optimized for maximum efficiency in even the most demanding settings. With a focus on durability and reliability, these units are built to endure and excel in challenging climates, ensuring consistent and reliable cooling performance.